
My research interests include psychological trauma and PTSD, stress and development, psychological treatments, (autobiographical) memory, as well as psychopharmacology and psychedelics. I am very open to suggestions for research collaboration on these and related topics. You can reach me at samuli @ kangaslampi . net.

My PhD dissertation concerned mechanisms of change involved in the treatment of posttraumatic stress symptoms by psychological interventions. I continue to be active in the field of psychological trauma and PTSD, with some related recent publications. In 2021-2022, I was engaged in a research project related to measuring autobiographical memory function (in Finnish). I’ve also published some research related to psychedelics and MDMA.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals | Julkaisuja vertaisarvioiduissa lehdissä

Kangaslampi, S., & Lietz, M. (2025). Psychedelics and autobiographical memory – Six open questions. Psychopharmacology. (Open Access)

Lepistö, R., Ahmad, A., Kangaslampi, S., & Peltonen, K. (2025). Clients’ experiences of psychotherapeutic interventions addressing trauma. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. (Open Access)

Lahtinen, O., Kangaslampi, S., Aalto, S., Soosalu, J., & Peltonen, K. (2024). Cognitive, social, and mental health functions of refugee children – screening and supportive actions at school: a study protocol. BMC Psychology, 12, 251. (Open Access)

de Haan, A., Meiser-Stedman, R., Landolt, M. A., Kuhn, I., Black, M. J., Klaus, K., Patel, S. D., Fisher, D. J., Haag, C., Ukoumunne, O. C., Jones, B. G., Flaiyah, A. M., Catani, C., Dawson, K., Bryant, R. A., de Roos, C., Ertl, V., Foa, E. B., Ford, J. D., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Tutus, D., Hermenau, K., Hecker, T., Hultmann, O., Axberg, U., Jaberghaderi, N., Jensen, T. K., Ormhaug, S. M., Kenardy, J., Lindauer, R. J. L., Diehle, J., Murray, L. K., Kane, J. C., Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., Robjant, K., Koebach, A., Rosner, R., Rossouw, J., Smith, P., Tonge, B. J., Hitchcock, C., & Dalgleish, T. (2024). Efficacy and moderators of efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus in children and adolescents – an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 8(1), 28–39. (Open Access)

Vänskä, M., Kangaslampi, S., Lindblom, J., Heikkinen, M., Heikkilä, L., Punamäki, R.-L., Tiitinen, A., & Flykt, M. (2024). How is mental health associated with adolescent alpha-amylase and cortisol reactivity and coordination? International Journal of Behavioral Development, 48(1), 37–48. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S. (2024). Earliest versus other autobiographical memories of school-age children. Current Psychology, 43, 1030–1040. (Open Access) (Supplementary Material)

, S., & Zijlmans, J. (2024). MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in adolescents: rationale, potential, risks, and considerations. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 33, 3753–3764. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S. (2023). Association between mystical-type experiences under psychedelics and improvements in well-being or mental health – a comprehensive review of the evidence. Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 7(1), 18–28. (Open Access) (Supplementary Material)

Fauvel, B., Kangaslampi, S., Strika-Bruneau, L., Roméo, B., & Piolino, P. (2023). Validation of a French version of the Mystical Experience Questionnaire with retrospective reports of the most significant psychedelic experience among French users. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 55(2), 170–179. (MEQ30 French)

Kangaslampi, S., Peltonen, K., & Hall., J. (2022). Posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress – A network analysis among Syrian and Iraqi refugees. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), 2117902. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S., & Peltonen, K. (2022). Mechanisms of change in psychological interventions for posttraumatic stress symptoms: A systematic review with recommendations. Current Psychology, 41(1), 258–275. (Open Access) (Available online since Dec 2019)

Kangaslampi, S., Garoff, F., Golden, S., & Peltonen, K. (2021). A network analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms among help-seeking refugees in Kenya. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 78, 102358. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S. (2020). Uncovering psychological mechanisms mediating the effects of drugs: some issues and comments using the example of psychedelic drugs. Psychopharmacology, 237(12), 3799-3802. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S., Hausen, A., Rauteenmaa, T. (2020). Mystical experiences in retrospective reports of first times using a psychedelic in Finland. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 52(4), 309-318. (Postprint) (MEQ30 Finnish)

Nyarko, F., Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2020). How stressful life events and violence are related to mental health: The protective role of social relations in African context. Heliyon, 6(8), e04629. (Open Access)

Nyarko, F., Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2020). Emotional intelligence and cognitive skills protecting mental health from stress and violence among Ghanaian youth. Heliyon, 6(5), e03878. (Open Access)

Kangaslampi, S. & Peltonen, K. (2020). Changes in traumatic memories and posttraumatic cognitions associate with PTSD symptom improvement in treatment of multiply traumatized children and adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 13, 103–112. (Open Access)

Isosävi, S., Diab, S., Qouta, S., Kangaslampi, S., Sleed, M., Kankaanpää, S., Puura, K., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2020). Caregiving representations in war conditions: Associations with maternal trauma, mental health, and mother-infant interaction. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 246-263.

Peltonen, K., Nyberg, J., Kangaslampi, S., & Qvarnström-Obrey, A.-C. (2019). Narratiivinen altistusterapia – Uusi menetelmä useita traumatapahtumia kokeneiden lasten hoitoon. Psykologia (Journal of the Finnish Psychological Society), 54(5), 342-355.

Peltonen, K. & Kangaslampi, S. (2019). Treating children and adolescents with multiple traumas: a randomized clinical trial of narrative exposure therapy. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1558708. https:// (Open Access)

Garoff, F., Kangaslampi, S., & Peltonen, K. (2019). Development and implementation of a group based mental health intervention for unaccompanied minors. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(1), 7-15. (Open Access)

Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., Saranpää, J., Qouta, S., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2017). Peritraumatic dissociation predicts posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms via dysfunctional trauma-related memory among war-affected children. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8(sup3), 1375828. (Open Access)

Isosävi, S., Diab, S., Kangaslampi, S., Qouta, S., Kuittinen, S., Puura, K., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2017). Maternal trauma affects prenatal mental health and infant stress regulation among Palestinian dyads. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(5),617-633.

Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., Qouta, S., & Punamäki, R.-L. (2017). Trauma and autobiographical memory: contents and determinants of earliest memories among war-affected Palestinian children. Memory, 25(10). 1347-1357.

Kangaslampi, S., Punamäki, R.-L., Qouta, S., Diab, M., & Peltonen, K. (2016). Psychosocial group intervention among war‐affected children: An analysis of changes in posttraumatic cognitions. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 29, 546-555.

Isoaho, P., Kangaslampi, S., & Peltonen, K. (2015). Narratiivisen altistusterapian (NET) vaikutus kognitiivisiin prosesseihin ja mielenterveyteen: tapaustutkimus. Psykologia (Journal of the Finnish Psychological Society), 50(5), 355-370.

Kangaslampi, S., Garoff, F., & Peltonen, K. (2015). Narrative exposure therapy for immigrant children traumatized by war: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of effectiveness and mechanisms of change. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 127. (Open Access)

Talks & posters at scientific conferences | Puheenvuoroja ja postereita tieteellisissä konferensseissa

(Upcoming) Kangaslampi, S. Can you really remember your birth on LSD? Memory experiences under psychedelics. Oral presentation at Breaking Convention 2025, April 17-19, 2025, Exeter, UK.

(Upcoming) Kangaslampi, S. Recall of potentially traumatic events under psychedelics. Poster presentation at the 18th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, June 12-15, 2025, Tbilisi, Georgia.

(Upcoming) Kangaslampi, S. Ihminen hoidon kohteena – Mitä tiedämme asiakkaiden kokemuksista traumahoidosta? Invited plenary at Valtakunnallinen kriisi- ja traumakonferenssi (National Crisis and Trauma Conference), November 13-14, 2025, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. Autobiographical experiences under psychedelics – Preliminary findings from an ongoing longitudinal survey study. Poster presentation at the Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics Summit, August 17-18, 2024, Washington D.C., USA.

Kangaslampi, S. Psykedeelien aiheuttamien mystisten kokemusten yhteys terapeuttisiin vaikutuksiin. Oral presentation as part of the “Psykedeelien terapeuttinen hyötykäyttö ja niiden vaikutusmekanismit” Symposium at Psykologia 2024, August 14-16, 2024, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. Elämäkertamuistin subjektiivisen toiminnan mittaaminen. Poster at Psykologia 2024, August 14-16, 2024, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. Vividness may drive self-assessment of autobiographical memory functioning. Poster at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology, July 22, 2024, Prague, Czechia. (Available here)

Kangaslampi, S. Are mystical experiences key to the therapeutic effects of psychedelics? Oral presentation at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology, July 21, 2024, Prague, Czechia. (Slides here)

Kangaslampi, S. Are mystical-type experiences key to the therapeutic effects of psychedelics? State of the research and evidence. Oral presentation as part of the “Spirituality in psychedelic research and therapy” Symposium at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research 2024, June 7, 2024, Haarlem, Netherlands. (Slides here)

Kangaslampi, S. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD in adolescents?. Poster at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research 2024, June 6, 2024, Haarlem, Netherlands.

Kangaslampi, S. Psychedelic and traumatic experiences as pivotal mental states and transformative experiences. Oral presentation at Psykedeelit 2023 – The 2nd Finnish Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics. November 23-24, 2023, Turku, Finland. (YouTube) (Slides here)

Kangaslampi, S. MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD in Adolescents? Rationale, Potential, Risks, Considerations. Oral presentation at INSIGHT 2023 Conference. September 1, 2023, Berlin, Germany. Winner of Best Clinical Presentation Award. (Now published as article)

Kangaslampi, S. Better living through psychedelic-induced mystical experiences? Oral presentation as part of the “Approaches to psychedelics and altered states of consciousness in the contemporary world” panel at the Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society 2023, March, 21, 2023, Rovaniemi, Finland. (Slides here)

Kangaslampi, S. The role of mystical-type experiences in improved well-being after psychedelic use – A comprehensive review of the evidence. Oral presentation as part of the “Belief changes, mystical-type experiences, and appropriate frameworks” symposium at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research 2022, September 23, 2022, Haarlem, Netherlands. (Now published as article)

Eloranta, S., Kangaslampi, S., Kaltiala, R., Lindberg, R., & Peltonen, K. Interplay of mentalization, emotion regulation and identity integration among adolescents. Poster at 9th Meeting of the European Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, September 23, 2022, Rome, Italy.

Ahmad, A., Peltonen, K., & Kangaslampi, S. Understanding trauma exposure and recovery among Pakistanis: A cultural and religious view. Oral presentation at 9th International Conference on Trauma, Abuse, and Violence. July 23, 2022, Islamabad, Pakistan / remote.

Kangaslampi, S., Garoff, F., Golden, S., Peltonen, K., & Hall, J. Refugees’ posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in different contexts and living environments – a network analysis approach. Oral presentation at 22nd Nordic Conference for Professionals working with Traumatized Refugees. December 9, 2021, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. MDMA-avusteinen terapia – lähitulevaisuuden hoitomuoto traumaperäiseen stressihäiriöön? Oral presentation at Kriisi- ja traumakonferenssi (National Crisis and Trauma Conference). November 25, 2021, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. Psykedeelin aiheuttama mystinen kokemus ja sen merkitys koetuille muutoksille hyvinvoinnissa. Oral presentation at Psykedeelit 2021. November 18, 2021, Turku, Finland. (YouTube)

Vänskä, M., Heikkilä, M., Kangaslampi, S., Punamäki, R.-L., Lindblom, J., Tiitinen, A., Poikkeus, P. & Flykt, M. Mielenterveyden yhteydet psykofysiologiseen stressireaktiivisuuteen myöhäisnuoruudessa. Oral presentation at Terveyspsykologian päivät (Finnish Congress of the Association for Health Psychology), November 4-5, 2021, Helsinki, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. Psychological mechanisms of the effects of psychedelics from engaging stories to convincing evidence. Poster at the INSIGHT 2021 Conference. September 10, 2021. Berlin, Germany. Winner of Best Poster Award. (Available here) (extended discussion here)

Kangaslampi, S. Individual and shared memories – protection or risk in disasters? Oral presentation at the 2nd International Symposium on Safety and Security Research. September 10, 2020, Tampere, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S., Garoff, F., & Peltonen, K. Network structure of posttraumatic stress symptoms among 2,792 severely traumatized refugees in Kenya. Flashtalk at the 16th European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference. June 14-16, 2019, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Kangaslampi, S. Pakolaistaustaisten lasten traumaoireiden näyttöön perustuva hoito. Oral presentation at Psykoterapiatutkimuksen päivät. February 14-15, 2019, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Garoff, F., Kangaslampi, S., & Peltonen, K. A two-step model of trauma care in accommodation units for unaccompanied minors – A pilot study. Poster at the 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 8-10, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Peltonen, K. & Kangaslampi, S. Treating children with multiple traumas – A randomized controlled trial in pragmatic clinical setting. Poster at the 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. November 8-10, 2018, Washington, DC, USA.

Kangaslampi, S. & Peltonen, K. Treating children and adolescents with multiple traumas – A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of Narrative Exposure Therapy. Oral presentation at the Nordic Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research Meeting 2018. August 30, 2018, Turku, Finland.

Garoff, F., Kangaslampi, S. & Peltonen, K. Development and implementation of a group based mental health intervention for unaccompanied minors: a pilot study. Oral presentation at the Nordic Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research Meeting 2018. August 30, 2018, Turku, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S. & Peltonen, K. Mechanisms of change in psychological treatment of pediatric PTSD – Findings from a systematic review and a randomized controlled trial. Oral presentation at the 23rd World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions. July 23-27, 2018, Prague, Czechia.

Kangaslampi, S., Peltonen, K., Qouta, S., & Punamäki, R.-L. Earliest memories of school-age children in Finland and Palestine. Poster at the 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. July 15-19, 2018, Gold Coast, Australia. (Available here)

Peltonen, K., Garoff, F., & Kangaslampi, S. Two-step model of trauma care in accommodation units of unaccompanied minors –  A pilot study. Oral presentation at the 32nd Nordic Congress of Psychiatry. June 15, 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Garoff, F., Peltonen, K., & Kangaslampi, S. Preventive Group-based Mental Health Intervention for Unaccompanied Minors. Oral presentation at the Nordiska konferensen för behandlare som arbetar med traumatiserade flyktingar. November 11, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kangaslampi, S., Garoff, F., & Peltonen, K. Narrative Exposure Therapy for immigrant children traumatized by war: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Oral presentation at the “Refugee Youth in Europe and Low-Income Countries” symposium at the 17th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP). July 9, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.

Isosävi, S., Diab, S., Kangaslampi, S. Qouta, S., Kuittinen, S., Puura, K., & Punamäki, R-L. Sotatraumatisoituneiden äitien mielikuvat vauvoistaan ovat yhteydessä mielenterveyteen ja äiti-vauva-vuorovaikutukseen. Poster at Psykologia 2016. August 25, 2016, Tampere, Finland.

Kangaslampi, S., Punamäki, R-L., Qouta, S., Diab, M., Peltonen, K. Psychosocial Intervention for PTSD among War-Affected Children: An Analysis of Changes in Posttraumatic Cognitions. Poster at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. July 10-14, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Isosävi, S., Diab, S., Kangaslampi, S., Qouta, S., Kuittinen, S., Puura, K., Punamäki, R-L. Mothers’ high-risk representations of infant in the context of military conflict: associations with maternal mental health and mother-infant interaction. Presentation at the 15th World Congress of the World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH). May 29 – June 2, 2016. Prague, Czechia.

Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., & Garoff, F. The effectiveness of Narrative Exposure Therapy among refugee children: The study protocol of a randomized control trial. Presentation at the 14th Conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies: “Trauma in Changing Societies: Social Contexts and Clinical Practice”. June 10-13, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Kangaslampi, S., Peltonen, K., Qouta, S., Diab, M., & Punamäki, R-L. Evidence-based trauma interventions: how and for whom do they work? Results from “Teaching Recovery Techniques” intervention among Palestinian children. Presentation at the 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress: “Trauma and Its Clinical Pathways: PTSD and Beyond”. June 6-8, 2013. Bologna, Italy.

Other writings | Muita kirjoituksia

Miksi juuri traumakeskeinen hoito ja altistus? Blogikirjoitus Suomen psykotraumayhdistyksen blogissa. 14.12.2022.

How and why could MDMA-assisted psychotherapy treat PTSD? Invited blog post for the MIND Foundation Blog. 3.9.2021.

Lectures, talks, training | Luentoja, koulutuksia, puheenvuoroja

Autobiographical Experiences under Psychedelics”. Online lecture, Studentenes Forening for Psykedelisk Vitenskap. 28.11.2024, Online event.

Jyrkkiä mutkia MDMA-terapian matkalla“. Webinaari, Psykedeelitutkimusyhdistys ry. 21.20.2024, etätapahtuma.

“Psykedeelit traumojen hoidossa”. Luentokokonaisuus Suomen Traumapsykoterapiakouluttajayhdistys ry:n jäsentapaamisessa, 19.10.2024, Tampere.

“Psykedeelien riskit ja eettiset haasteet”. Luento osana Psykedeelitutkimusyhdistys ry:n koulutusta Psykedeelit mielenterveystyössä – Koulutus sote-ammatilaisille. 30.5.2024, Helsinki.

“Mystical vs. autobiographical psychedelic experiences”. Talk as part of Maastricht Psychedelic Research Symposium, 24.5.2024, Maastricht, Netherlands. (Livestream recording here)

Psychedelic and traumatic experiences as acute states and transformations”. Talk as part of PRSM Speaker Series at Leiden University, 13.3.2024, Leiden, Netherlands.

Psychedelic Research – Findings, Questions, Challenges“. Talk as part of INVESThub Brown Bags Series. 18.1.2024, Online event.

“Psykologi psykedelialalla?” Puheenvuoro Pirkanmaan psykologiyhdistyksen koulutuspäivässä, 9.9.2023.

“Predictive processing, mental health, and psychedelics”. Lecture as part of exchange programme of the Finnish Psychology Students’ Association, 31.10.2022, Tampere.

“Psykoterapian tehosteaineet, virtuaalitodellisuus ja neurofeedback – traumahoidon tulevaisuutta?” Luento Suomen psykotraumayhdistys ry:n kevätseminaarissa, 18.3.2022.

“Resilienssi”. Puheenvuoro Johdanto johtamiseen -koulutussarjassa lääkäreille, sponsorina Boehringer Ingelheim. 17.3.2022, Helsinki/virtuaalinen.

“Lapsen tai vanhemman trauma – kehityksellisiä näkökulmia“. Luento HUS lastenpsykiatrian koulutussarjassa erityisesti lastenpsykiatriaan erikoistuville lääkäreille, 9.2.2022.

“Resilienssi ja traumanjälkeinen kasvu”. Koulutuspuheenvuoro. Mielenterveysfoorumi 2021, 29.10.2021, Hämeenlinna.

Psykedeelien psykologisia vaikutusmekanismeja koskeva tutkimus ja sen haasteet“. Webinaariesitys Psykedeelitutkimusyhdistys ry:n jäsenille, 23.4.2021. (YouTube)

Trauman psykologinen hoito – nykytila ja hoidon tehostaminen hypnoosilla tai farmakologisesti“. Esitys Tieteellinen Hypnoosi ry:n Hypnoosipäivässä, 10.4.2021.

Autobiografisen muistin toiminta, identiteetti ja trauman vaikutus”. Koulutus EXIT-projektin työntekijöille, 8.2.2021.

Studying psychological mechanisms of psychedelics – through mediation analyses and otherwise”. Journal Club talk. Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 13.1.2021.

Psykedeelit, entropia ja anarkistiset aivot – kokonaismalleja psykedeelien toimintamekanismeista“. Webinaariesitys Psykedeelitutkimusyhdistys ry:n jäsenille, 10.6.2020. (YouTube)

“Traumatisoituneen nuoren kohtaaminen”. Koulutus Helsingin kaupungin sote-alojen työntekijöille, 11.9.2019, Helsinki.

Vanhemman ja lapsen trauma kehityksellisessä kontekstissa“. Luento HUS Lastenpsykiatrian koulutussarjassa, 24.10.2018, Helsinki.

Psilosybiini- ja MDMA-avusteinen terapia – miksi, mitä, miten?“. Luento Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian opiskelijoiden Stimulus ry:n pyynnöstä, 22.10.2018, Jyväskylä.

Psykedeelien hyötykäyttö tieteellisen tutkimuksen kohteena”. Esitys Uudet päihdeilmiöt ja haittojen vähentäminen -seminaarissa, Päihdepäivät 2018. 16.5.2018, Helsinki. (YouTube)

Traumaperäisesti oireileva lapsi koulussa“. Koulutus Tampereen kaupungin perusopetuksen opettajille. 19.4.2018, Tampere.

“Traumatisoitumisen vaikutusten huomioiminen lasta tai nuorta kohdattaessa“. Luento Valtakunnallisilla lastensuojelupäivillä 26.9.2017, Helsinki.

MDMA:n ja psykedeelien terapeuttisten käyttömahdollisuuksien tutkimus“. Puheenvuoro opiskelijoiden pyynnöstä Tampereen seudun ammattiopiston lähihoitajaopiskelijoille. 2.11.2017, Tampere.

Traumatisoituneet ja ilman huoltajaa tulleet: Tehokkaan auttamisen malli”. Esitys Yksin Suomessa -seminaarissa 14.12.2016, Tampereen yliopisto. (YouTube)

“Narratiivinen altistusterapia – taustaa, käytäntöä, tutkimusta”. Luento Psykologien Sosiaalinen Vastuu ry:n vuosikokousseminaarissa. 9.4.2016, Helsinki.

“Psykologia ja psykedeelit – harharetki vai menetetty mahdollisuus?”. Luento Psykologian harharetkiä -sarjassa, Suomen Psykologian Opiskelijoiden Liiton SPOL-seminaari, 29.1.2011, Tampere.

Other appearances | Muita esiintymisiä

“Psykedeelit. Havainnoinnin ovet”. Psykologia-podcast, 21.9.2024 (Listen Notes)

Psykedeeleillä eroon viinasta ja masennuksesta – psykedeeleistä potkua terapiaan“, Tiedeykkönen, Yle, 25.8.2023. (Yle Areena)

Ongelmalähtöisesti | kannabis ja nuoret“, Lailliseksi?-podcast, 4.4.2023. (Spotify)

Jakso 2: Psykedeelit mielenterveyden häiriöiden hoidossa“, Räjäytyskuva-podcast, Yle, 6.2.2023. (Yle Areena)

Psykedeelit 2000-luvulla: vastakulttuurin marginaaleista lääkkeeksi?” Paneelikeskustelu Tieteen päivillä, 14.1.2023, Helsinki. (YouTube)

“Suuri psykedeelikeskustelu”. Paneelivieraana Arktisen Upeeta -festivaalilla, 31.10.2021, Jyväskylä. (YouTube)

Traumat, mielenterveys ja psykedeelit“. Futucast-podcast, 28.12.2020. (YouTube) (Spotify)

Psykedeelit: Faktat & myytit“. Puheenaihe-podcast, 28.10.2020. (YouTube) (Spotify)

Psykedeelit – Tiedä paremmin”. Psykologiaa ja kaikenlaista -podcast, 7.10.2020. (SoundCloud) (Spotify)

Ihmisiä, siis eläimiä -podcast. 3.3.2018 (YouTube)

“Hyödyllistä psykedeliaa”, radiovieraana Juuso Pekkisen ohjelmassa. Yle Puhe, 11.9.2017. (Yle Areena)

“Tietoisuus”, radiovieraana Docventures-sarjan jaksoon “Psyyke”. Yle Puhe, 30.10.2013. (Yle Areena)

Teaching and Supervision | Opetus ja ohjaus

University (senior) lecturer, 1.1.2023-, Tampere University.

University instructor (teacher), 1.1-31.12.2016, 1.8.2021-31.8.2022, Tampere University.

Clinical trainer in Narrative Exposure Therapy

  • Tampere University, 2018-2019, 10 ECTS
  • University of Turku, 2022-2023, 10 ECTS
  • Traumaterapiakeskus 2024


  • 2 Doctoral students, Tampere University, 2020-, 2021-
  • 1 Doctoral thesis committee, University of Helsinki, 2022-
  • 4 Master’s theses, Tampere University, 2021-2024
  • 2 Master’s literature theses, University of Amsterdam, 2022, 2024
  • 21 Bachelor’s theses, Tampere University, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2025

Responsible teacher

  • Lasten ja aikuisten kriisit ja traumat / Crises and Traumatic Events among Children and Adults, Master-level course, 5 ECTS, Tampere University, Spring 2023, Spring 2025
  • Pakolaisten mielenterveys ja hyvinvointi / Refugee Mental Health and Wellbeing, Master-level course, 5 ECTS, Tampere University, Spring 2023, Spring 2025
  • Terveyden ja mielenterveyden psykologia I / Psychology of Health and Mental Health I, Bachelor-level course, 5 ECTS, University of Tampere, Spring 2016, Spring 2021, Spring 2022.
  • Terveyden ja mielenterveyden psykologia II / Psychology of Health and Mental Health II, Bachelor-level course, 5 ECTS, University of Tampere, Autumn 2016, Spring 2022.
  • Mielenterveyden arviointi / Mental Health Assessment. Master-level course, 5 ECTS, Tampere University. Autumn 2021.
  • Aikuisten psykologiset interventiot / Psychological Interventions for Adults. Master-level course, 5 ECTS, Tampere University, Autumn 2021.
  • Lasten oikeuspsykologia / Children’s Forensic Psychology. Master-level course, 5 ECTS, University of Tampere, Spring 2016.

Visiting lecturer

  • Lasten interventiot / Psychological Interventions for Children, University of Tampere, Autumn 2018.
  • Lasten oikeuspsykologia / Children’s Forensic Psychology, University of Tampere, Spring 2015.
  • Terveyden ja mielenterveyden psykologia I / Psychology of Health and Mental Health I, University of Tampere, Spring 2015, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2021.
  • Terveyden ja mielenterveyden psykologia II / Psychology of Health and Mental Health II, Tampere University. Spring 2021.
  • Aikuisten psykologiset interventiot / Psychological Interventions for Adults. Tampere University, Autumn 2022.

Peer reviewer for | Vertaisarvioijana julkaisuissa

Australian Psychologist
Behaviour Research and Therapy
BMJ Open
Case Reports in Psychiatry
Children and Youth Services Review
Consciousness and Cognition
Current Psychology
Death Studies
European Journal of Psychology Open
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
European Journal of Public Health
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychology
Frontiers in Sociology
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Journal of Loss and Trauma
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Psychotherapy Research
Psykologia (Journal of the Finnish Psychological Society)
Scientific Reports
Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Teologinen aikakauskirja (Finnish Journal of Theology)

Member of editorial board for | Toimituskunnan jäsen

Acta Psychedelica

Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma

Organizing conferences | Tieteellisten konferenssien järjestäminen

Psykedeelit 2025 – The 3rd Finnish Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics, 2.-4.10.2025, Turku, Finland (member of organizing committee)

18th European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, 12.-15.6.2025, Tbilisi, Georgia (member of scientific committee and reviewer for submissions)

International Congress of Psychology 2024, 21.-26.7.2024, Prague, Czechia (reviewer for submissions)

Psykedeelit 2023 – The 2nd Finnish Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelics, 23.-24.11.2023, Turku, Finland (member of organizing committee)

Psykedeelit 2021, 18.-19.11.2021, Turku, Finland (member of organizing committee)